Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ode to the Red Jelly Thing on my Desk

Oh red, jelly thing
Though your body is not completely solid,
you help make my ideas more concrete
Though your body is not completely liquid,
you help me reach into the endless aether

Anywho. Class. I dig the whole open discussion that class turned into, but I couldn't help but feel that the time given was excessive for most people in the class. But hey, it seems that a lot of people got ideas hammered out. I'm interested in seeing what people produce (especially the tank), and I really dig the idea of making some mish-mash out of all of our projects. God knows what would happen.

As for my own project, I'm pretty set on what I'm going to do - I just need to do it. Also, I need to decide what SPECIFICALLY I'm going to make - a video game object, sure...but there are so many to choose from...ah, we shall see...we shall see.

DD4E (Dick Devils Forever)

PS: I found this silly when trying to post a comment on another blog:
By the way, the correct word was NOT "Loading..."

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